The White Collar Consult...
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White Collar Consulting is a dynamic white-collar consulting company focused on providing the spectrum of services, from pre-indictment to post-sentencing.

How The First Step Act Can Benefit Federal Inmates
In December 2018, President Donald Trump signed into law the First Step Act (FSA), also known as the Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning

What Are The Benefits Of RDAP
Being convicted of a federal crime can be traumatic and going to prison can completely change a person’s life. Those who were convicted of a

PPP Fraud Prosecutions Have Started
I expect that in the next year we will see many prosecutions for PPP and SBA Fraud. Anytime there is a major crisis you can

Personal Narrative VS Sentencing Memorandum
Do I need a Personal Narrative if my attorney is submitting a Sentencing Memorandum? The answer is yes. The Sentencing Memorandum is a powerful tool,

How Cooperation Can Help You To Receive A Lower Sentence
How can cooperating with the FBI help you when you are being charged with a crime? If a person is being charged with a crime, has

How Your Client Can Qualify For RDAP
How can your client qualify for the Residential Drug and Alcohol Program? To qualify for RDAP your client must disclose substance abuse at their pre-sentencing
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