The White Collar Consult...
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White Collar Consulting is a dynamic white-collar consulting company focused on providing the spectrum of services, from pre-indictment to post-sentencing.

Have You Have Committed PPP Fraud ?
If you have committed PPP or SBA Fraud there is a good chance the DOJ will investigate you and if they determine you have committed

PPP Fraud Continues
There DOJ continues to make arrests for PPP Fraud. As we mentioned in our previous articles anytime there is a crisis where the government provides

Expect More PPP Fraud Arrests In 2021
As in any time when there is a major event in the country where the government will be dispensing aid, there will be an opportunity

What You Need To Know About Your Presentence Interview
In 2014 I plead guilty to securities fraud. After I plead guilty I went to the Marshalls office to be processed, from there it was

How To Mitigate Your Sentence with These 4 Steps
If you have pleaded guilty to a Federal crime you will most likely be subject to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. This is the sentencing range

3 Types Of Fraud That Could Be Prosecuted This Year
Whenever there is some sort of crisis it seems to produce a new group of people looking to take advantage of a bad situation for
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